Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Abby Wright's Portfolio Extravaganza

In this picture I used natural light on Haydyn's face on this picture as well as depth of field in the background also a rule of thirds

I used natural light and a cool filter on jaya in this photo

I used the sun reflection off the snow in this picture to highlight the side of sarah's face, also there is a example of depth of field and rule of thirds

This is the AFTER picture when i edited the background to make the photo look nicer, I used the clone tool and spot healing brush content aware on the road in the bakcground as well as the road showing in the back of the car

This is the before picture of violett on top of some random persons sudan

I took this picture of haiden on a very overcast day which gave a light on her face, and there is a example of depth of field in the background

 I used natural light in this picture to highlight violett's face and depth of feild to show that she is the main focus of the picture

Again this picture of Haiden but in the shade of the tree and put the light on the side of the tree

I used the shade in this picture to give the picture a cool feel which goes along with the blue in the background and the blue she is wearing  whioch really makes her face stand out

This picture we wanted a plain background behind violett to make her the main focus and that's exactly what happened, she stands out very well

In this photo I wanted to use the light of the sun to highlight their hair and gicve it a golden look. I thought it would look good of they were sitting together on some random persons truck . I really like the lightibng in this picture it is on eof my favorites
This picture was taken as a portrait with natural light to highlight her face and has a good use of depth of field in the background as well as symmetry with her face

This picture I had to get on the ground and use some pretty weird camera positions but it all worked in my favor with the lighting on her hair and the highlighting

This picture I wanted to take it off center and Sam stands out more

Another one of a dark day trying to catch the little lighting without using a flash

This picture I wanted to capture the hand that was made by paint on the window but instead it gave me this really cool reflection picture

Violett stands out in this picture because the bricks have a depth of feild and the contrast of the colours against the plain background

This picture I was running after her and the first few pictures she looked very frightened but once I gto this one it looked really nice with the really blurry background so she stands out great

Sam was nearly falling asleep that day but I chose the pciture because I really like the way the wall in the background looks as uit goes down the picture

This picture was just a random shot but I really like it beacuse even though the trees in the bakcground are blurry, they still complimetn the picture, it's a really good portrait

Again I liek the way the wall is blurry and how it makes sam really stand out

This picture was crystal clear quality, I really like it becuase you can see every freckle on Violett's face and she still looks really good and stands out among the plain background

This picture I love how the background is blue but still blurry and the lighting on sam's face really makes it look like he's s\miling

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of all becuase of the lights moving in the background and how they are blurred but the subject is not. It looks like he is carrying a tortch and running after Frankenstein