Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photoshop Phun

 Here is one of my visual puns called " Vanilla Ice Cube" . I had to make it look like vanilla ice was INSIDE the ice cue buy using opacity and layering
Another visual pun "Sandy Eggo" where I used blending and layering other pictures

I used photoshop, burning and dodging to make it look like there were bubbles

I used a filter in the background on this picture of sam which gave it a grainy effect

Same effect

This one I recoloured her face, made ti black and white, then added a picture

I used paint in this pone to create proportion by showing how big the man is next to godzilla

This I made text and tried to make ti looke liek ti was frozen by using colours, layering and effects

This shows examples of Gradient and cutting pictures

I added a fliter in this picture to make it look liek the texture in a piece of art

I wanted to create a warped reflection in this picture and all I started with was the top half

I created a collage in this pciture about myself using borders and text and shape

I made this picure of sam up of a ton f little tiny pcutes of girl togething creating his face. I used opacity and patterns here

This is a example of how you can be mean in photoshop using liquify and layering

This a a tilt shirt picture, trying to make everything look like a tiny model using blurrung

another tilt shift

tilt shift

In this pciture I recoloured the car

Another tilt shift

This picture was "urban ink" using weird paint brushes and colours

This picture is just a example of layering

I watned to create a ghostly feel to this picture by adding people and changing opacity

I tried to make a cartoon looking picture using a paint brush

Another cartoon

I used rhino in this picture to try to make eggs in a wood bowl

ANd this picture I took above my house right at the time of " the sunset shadow"
This picture I created a ball using phtotshop tools startign with nothing but a blank canvas, as usual

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